Dear Buki
Sometimes we all have concerns, that something that doesn’t feel right, or maybe you just can’t quite put your finger on it.
Perhaps you don’t want to follow the official ‘Raising Concerns’ procedure for whatever reason, or don’t want to share your concerns with your manager.
What is important though is that people have a mechanism to raise their concerns about quality, in an anonymous way if that’s what they choose.
This is where Dear Buki comes in. Dear Buki is a totally anonymous entirely separate, secure website that allows you to raise concerns you have about quality or any other related issue in our Trust. You don’t need to give any information about yourself, and you are free to say as much or as little as you are able about your concerns.
You also don’t need to visit the website on Trust premises, you can access it anywhere there is internet access including your own personal computers or smart phones. Incidentally, if you did want to use a Trust computer you can do that too. We don’t need any details about you, just the concern, so rest assured your anonymity is protected, unless you want to tell us who you are.
There are a few things that I would ask you to consider when sending a message to Dear Buki:
- Be honest, this is a truly anonymous tool
- Be specific where you can
- Use appropriate language, we cannot and will not publish language that is offensive, personally abusive or which could be deemed to constitute harassment/bullying of another colleague
- If your message has any person identifiable information, we will be unable to publish your post on the Dear Buki webpage. You will only receive a response to such queries if you leave an email address.
- Whilst we do not want to restrict the range of topics that can be sent via Dear Buki, please bear in mind that it should not be misused as a vehicle for airing personal differences or grievances between colleagues
- If you want to get a reply, to find out what happens because of your concern, you will need to leave us an e-mail address, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to
- Please bear in mind that Dear Buki is by no means the only way in which concerns can be raised. The Trust also encourages and will fully support staff to raise concerns with their line manager and/or through Freedom To Speak Up Champions. You may wish to consider if these are more appropriate routes for your issue to be raised and resolved
Best wishes
Dr Buki Adeyemo
Interim Chief Executive